Here's the info about the pages:

This web site is a personal site. Of course, it doesn't rank with all the
big name sites, but I wanted to make my presence known on the Internet.

Links: This page shows links of mostly computer-related content, but there
are links in other categories.

Photo Album: This page is where you view the pictures that I've uploaded
for all to see. I know that the images are aging quickly, so hope to put new
ones up soon.

Info: Shows information about this web site.

Bowling link on Home Page: I know I sound crazy about this...this set of
pages show what I and my team have been doing in bowling. No other names
are given out on this site section.

Computers link on Home Page: Tells about what has happened with my
computers since December 25, 1992.

I hope this will help clear things up.